
Homeland Blues - Ayaan Chetiar

Homeland Blues

When everyone says to which state they belong,Which culture they live by, which traditions they follow,I remain rooted, steadfast, to my spot in the corner,Not a word leaves my mouth, not a whisper so hollow… In a dilemma, caught am I,between my birthplace and my ancestral tide,The land of my parents, or that of those …

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The Unknown

Perhaps it be a ghastly shadow,Lurking in the dark,Or maybe a faint yet wicked apparition,From within your cruelest dreams Or a simple, harmless rumor,That over the years, has spread,And now haunts every house and person,Like a contagious virus, end to end Could be the simple phobia,Of not being in control,An inability to comprehend,What lies before …

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Music - Ayaan Chettiar - ayaanchettiar.com


Music fills our hearts with joy, With melodious tunes and beats galore, And a simple song, if hits the right notes, Can make its listeners long for more Many believe music the key, To opening chambers in their minds, While others remain grateful to thee, For quelling their worries and bringing them ease May it …

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Around The World Poem - Ayaan Chettiar - ayaanchettiar.com

Around The World

On Friday Eve, Ms. Globe, she said,To make a map of Geography,From pictures all over the world,Fact files were the simple key When the bell went off, the students scram,But me and Jack, we stayed quite back,And thought, “How to go around the world?”Without a little help from Tinkerbell! So we raced into the garden …

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Courage Poem - Ayaan Chettiar - ayaanchettiar.com


When you’re up against a trouble,Don’t just walk away and ignore,Make your move and stand right up,Cause that’s what makes you score, There’s nothing to lose, stand right in front,Don’t try to run, cause it just won’t work…You may succeed, you may fail,That doesn’t matter, don’t just stay frail, Keep it together and concentrate,Don’t lose …

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Reading is fun Poem - Ayaan Chettiar - ayaanchettiar.com

Reading Is Fun

The library was full of books,Big and small, in different looks,I sat upon, in suit and bow,And read the tales of Sherlock Holmes My mind was full of countless mythsI read upon Henry the FifthBlyton’s tales were on my mind,I read through all I could find! Potter’s life was full of powers,I read with joy …

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Tiffins At Lunch Poem - Ayaan Chettiar - ayaanchettiar.com

Tiffins At Lunch

At a time, that feels so long ago,Me and my friends sat together you knowWe opened our tiffins in unison, we did,Our cheeky little hands lifted the lids. Nuts and fruits and biscuits, oh yum!Snacks, and crackers and cheese for our tums,Potato wafers that let out a crunchAll of it inside our tiffins at lunch, …

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Spring Season Poem - Ayaan Chettiar - ayaanchettiar.com

Spring Season

When the flowers start to blossom,Fresh air, it feels so awesome,In the Middle of March, it begins. Cats meow, and dogs, they bark,You’d like to go fer’ a stroll into the park, Spring’s all around the corner,Fun, it has no lasting border. Life’s a joy, so great a dream,Enjoying nature, it starts to gleam, Strolling …

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Rainy Season Poem - Ayaan Chettiar - ayaanchettiar.com

Rainy Season

Summer says bye, while the rain bids hello,The hols are at an end, they went nice and slow…Time to pick up the old books, cause the heat’s flown by,Looking out the window, there are clouds in the sky… The drops flow down the sill, cause it’s rainy day time,And everyone is smiling at the cloud-covered sky,These days …

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